Marketing Support
All of our publishing contracts include basic marketing. Choose from these options to elevate your book's marketing plan.
National Marketing Package
National Press Release, Media Blast, and Shipping Review Copies
- Professional press release custom crafted with a unique angle specific to your book and niche market
- Press release blasted to over 5,000 media outlets (radio, blogs, TV, print), including major programs and networks, each week for a minimum of 4 blasts (If we are short on responses, your story will be blasted additional times with a modified subject/angle.)
- All media leads (responses) received are then discussed with author for confirmation and scheduling
- Review copies sent to media upon request (cost includes shipping and 30 books)
National Marketing Second Month (optional)
National Marketing Additional Months (optional)
Book Boost/Refresh Package
- Professional press release custom crafted with a unique angle specific to your book and niche market
- 15 hours of placement emails and calls to bookstores and media contacts (including social media)
Micro Marketing Package
- Professional press release custom crafted with a unique angle specific to your book and niche market
- 5 hours of placement emails and calls to bookstores and media contacts (including social media)
- Social Media – $80/hour, custom plans available upon request
- Marketing – $80/hour, custom plans available upon request
Audio Book
- Your book will be recorded at a high-quality, professional studio in a sonically controlled room
- Studio direction
- Professional editing
- Listing on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes
- Author receives 75% royalty on monies received from audio book sales less discounts provided for distribution provider
Social Media Package
- Set up for social media sites (up to 2)
- Create eight (3-5) posts per week for author's page.
- Create four (4) posts in relevant social media groups.
Additional Reviews Package
Our book publishing contracts include three book reviews. Select this plan for an additional boost!
- Book sent to reviewers specific to book's niche market (minimum of three contacts)
Event Planning
- Planning and support for your launch party or event
- Includes: research, e-invitations, consultation, set-up, management, and vendor support, press release, and media/social media blasts (if necessary)
Custom Marketing Plans and Materials
Warren Publishing provides custom-tailored marketing plans and materials upon request. Need a poster, bookmark, website, or banner? Just ask and we'll be happy to provide a quote.
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